Since 1982, the Nijmeegse Postzegel en Muntenhandel has been the specialist shop for stamps, coins and old picture postcards from all over the world. Also Roman coins and utensils, such as jewellery, fibulas and statuettes of the gods. This concerns finds from Nijmegen as well as from the rest of Europe. Also engravings of Nijmegen and surroundings; including artists from Nijmegen, such as Eugène Lücker, Wim van Woerkom and many others. 

We have a large stock of topographical picture postcards from all over the Netherlands and other countries, with Nijmegen and the surrounding area as a specialty. Themes are also represented. As mentioned, our coin collection starts in Roman times, the Kingdom and other countries are also fully present. In addition, subscriptions provide stamps from all over the world, but also themes. Finally, we have a nice collection of Nijmegen Four Days Marches articles, such as stamps, signs and picture postcards.

Our Collections


We have a large amount of small and large collections for sale. W.o. mainly Europe but also Asia, theme, etc.

Of course we also have many loose stamps for sale.


Our collection dates back to about 300 BC. Consisting of Roman, Medieval, Dutch and Modern Period coins.


The largest part of our collection consists of Dutch topographical maps of all cities and villages. We also have different themes in stock.


Nijmegen prints are abundantly represented with us. We also have some prints of the province of Gelderland, Land van Maas en Waal and Betuwe.

Wanted for Sale

  • Postcards  Netherlands   (preferably size 14x9cm)

  • Coins and Banknotes  worldwide, valid and invalid

  • Gold and Silver  including coins, jewellery, tooth gold, cutlery, watches etc. etc

  • Old Pictures  tot  ± 1970

  • Topographical Engravings and Prints

  • (Roman) archaeological finds

Preferably no offers on Saturday due to rush.
Proof of identity required (driver's license, passport or ID card)

Looking for our store?


We are located in the center of Nijmegen at van Welderenstraat 16. There is limited parking in Van Welderenstraat. There are two disabled parking spaces opposite the store. More parking is available on the parking roof of the Molenpoortpassage, in the parking garage on the Mariënburg or on the Wedren, also known as the Vierdaagseplein. These are all less than a 10-minute walk to the store.

Van Welderenstraat 16
 6511 MK Nijmegen

+31 (0)24 322 46 36 
Postbus 1524, 6501 BM Nijmegen 

Tue t/m Sat 10:00u - 17:00u